Developer Candidates

Oh, happy day.

It appears that we have a few developer candidates that we can afford & and a supporter to help us as get ramp up development.

We don’t have anything confirmed, but our vendor contact (new best friend?) has found a couple frontend developers who he thinks would be a good fit. They’re more junior (thus why we can afford them) but he’s willing to do some code review and a little mentoring to help them get their skills together. From my POV, that’s fine.

I need to connect with my CTO so we can setup some interview times. In some ways, I want to slow walk this process because we need more time to prepare for the new developers.

We have a fairly orderly ship but only because we’ve been working together for years & my partner is a very good developer. Now that we’re bringing in outsiders, we’ll need to get things far more organized.

I’m super ready to do this since the moment after we’re organized and we onboard the new dev we can increase our velocity and start getting this thing ready to launch.