Here Today, Gone Today

Yesterday morning I woke up with a recently onboarded new developer, a fairly good groomed backlog and plans to see some family and watch football.

We still have a good groomed backlog.

We enjoyed seeing some family.

We no longer have a new developer. And, I’m unsure why, but other than writing a blog post, I can’t be bothered to figure it out.

Here’s what occurred from last Saturday until yesterday evening:

  1. Gave Dev a contract that looked almost the same as the one we just finished except this time it had a flat amount of money for a minimum of 100 hours a month of work.
  2. He read it and signed it.
  3. I cleaned up our backlog, finalized some of the most basic work we have to help Dev to start easy.
  4. We had a 1.5 hour walk through of all of the tools and the backlog & this week’s sprint.
  5. CTO was at a concert; I’m not a micromanager so other than getting Dev access to the code base (CTO had used personal email instead of our corp one).
  6. Long note from new Dev stating that he has concerns about the workload and he doesn’t think this role is for him.


He wouldn’t talk with me despite me calling a couple times so after his second note saying he was done. So was I. We pulled his access and my final note included our lawyer so Dev fully understood that the information provided to him was considered trade secrets and that I would spend every fucking penny left to my name tearing him apart if he tried to steal our work.

I’m just stunned, but we’ll recover. I’m not looking forward to the search for a new dev again but, I guess that’s the game.