Our development velocity has certainly picked up with our new developer. Of course, it’s hard to not pick up if one starts at near zero.
The biggest challenge now isn’t the dev and delivery, but ensuring we have decent requirements in place. I’m also finding that not all requirements are created equal.
A large part of the system are complex forms with a bunch of conditional logic while other parts are fairly static. The conditional logic forms take a bunch of time while the account management pieces are fairly simple.
Originally, we were just focusing on doing the collection area (complex) but in an attempt to give me some air cover we’re now doing two areas simultaneously. The account management piece along with the collection.
I’ve love to add a UI and requirements person to really increase our velocity without having to break my back every day / weekend but it’s a cost we just can’t justify. I do anticipate making that add in the near future and might look toward the ol’ unpaid intern route with a promise of opportunities in the future route.
But, for now we’re keeping those requirements coming one way or another.